Weak Demand in the Second Half, YC (4306) Expects August Revenue to Remain Flat
[Financial News Express / Reporter Wu Cailian] YC (4306) reported consolidated revenue of NT$1.605 billion for July, a month-over-month increase of 0.88% and a year-over-year increase of 3.81%. Its standalone revenue was NT$588 million, showing a month-over-month increase of 52.8% and a year-over-year increase of 3.81%. ACHEM (1715), a subsidiary, posted NT$393 million in revenue for July, a 10.64% decline from the previous month, mainly due to delayed shipments from Middle Eastern customers caused by regional tensions, but still a 6.1% year-over-year increase.
YC Group pointed out that demand remains weak in the second half of the year, and it expects August revenue to be flat. In July, due to the unrest in the Middle East and rising international oil prices, film and tape customers aggressively restocked their inventory, leading to a significant increase in order demand and boosting YC’s standalone revenue. However, the global economic outlook remains uncertain, and if oil prices continue to rise, downstream restocking demand is expected to re-emerge.
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