Dayeh University Partners with YC Group for Industry-Academia Collaboration
Dayeh University Partners with YC Group for Industry-Academia Collaboration; YC Offers Generous Scholarships to Develop Talent
September 26, 2013
(Central News Agency) — Taiwan’s leading plasticizer products company, YC Group, has signed an industry-academia collaboration plan with Dayeh University to attract talented students into the plasticizer industry. YC Group will offer generous scholarships to ten outstanding Dayeh University students in their third or fourth year of undergraduate studies or those in graduate programs. Awarded students will have the opportunity to intern at YC Group during summer and winter vacations, and they will be guaranteed employment after graduation.
Dayeh University President Wu Dong-hsing expressed his honor at partnering with YC Group, a leader in the adhesive tape manufacturing sector in Taiwan. YC Group is the only company in Taiwan that has achieved full vertical integration across the upstream, midstream, and downstream segments of the industry, with global production capacity comparable to that of 3M. Interning at such a well-established company will provide students with valuable experience, ensuring a seamless transition to the workplace after graduation.
YC Group CEO Hsieh Chian noted that unemployment upon graduation is a common concern among young students. To address this, YC Group has established the "YC Group Scholarship Program" to encourage and develop future industry talents. The program offers ten scholarships: NT$250,000 for third-year undergraduate and first-year graduate students over two years, and NT$150,000 for fourth-year undergraduate and second-year graduate students for one year. In addition to internships, students receiving the scholarships will be directly hired by YC Group after graduation.
Dayeh University has a strong focus on industry-academia collaboration and boasts substantial research and development capabilities. The university is also open to having its faculty members join YC Group as trainers for employee education or to collaborate on the development of new products and technologies.
Dayeh University Vice President for Student Affairs Luo Shi-hui mentioned that the university’s student population has grown from over 9,000 to more than 11,000 in the past three years. The university aims not only to cultivate students' professional skills and character but also to enhance their employability. Therefore, it actively engages in industry-academia collaboration to provide students with opportunities to engage with the industry and gain insights during their studies, thus improving their employment prospects.
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