YC Group Launches NT$10 Billion Real Estate Projects in Linkou and Banqiao
"YC Group Launches NT$10 Billion Real Estate Projects in Linkou and Banqiao"
April 21, 2016 11:29 AM
YC Group held a press conference today, where Li Shuwei, General Manager of Wangzhou Development, announced that to mark the 40th anniversary of YC Group, they will launch NT$10 billion worth of real estate projects. Wangzhou Development will first unveil residential projects in Linkou and the Xinzhuang sub-center, focusing on "suitable living spaces." As these projects are completed, they are expected to significantly boost YC Group's profits this year and next.
Wangzhou Development's Linkou project, "Wangzhou Jipin," has a total sales value of NT$5 billion, with 70% of the units already sold, and is expected to begin delivering in the third quarter of next year. The Xinzhuang project, "Wangzhou MORE," has a total sales value of NT$1.2 billion, with 95% sold and delivery expected in July of this year. Additionally, two new projects—"Wangzhou Yipin" with NT$3.5 billion in sales and Xinzhuang Phase II with NT$5 billion—bring the total project value to over NT$10 billion.
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