Attracting Talented Students to the Plastics Industry: Dayeh University and YC Group Sign Industry-Academia
Attracting Talented Students to the Plastics Industry: Dayeh University and YC Group Sign Industry-Academia Collaboration
September 24, 2013
Taiwan Good News — To attract outstanding students into the plastics industry, Taiwan's leading plasticizer products company, YC Group, signed an industry-academia collaboration plan with Dayeh University on September 24. YC Group will provide generous scholarships to ten exceptional Dayeh University students in their third or fourth year of undergraduate studies or in graduate programs. Students awarded these scholarships will have the opportunity to intern at YC Group during summer and winter vacations and will be guaranteed employment upon graduation.
Dayeh University President Wu Dong-hsing stated that YC Group is currently the only company in Taiwan's adhesive tape industry that has achieved complete vertical integration across upstream, midstream, and downstream operations, with global production capacity nearly on par with 3M. Interning at such a large-scale company will provide students with valuable experience, facilitating a smooth transition from graduation to the workplace.
YC Group CEO Hsieh Chiang highlighted that many young students worry about finding employment after graduation. To encourage and cultivate future industry talent, YC Group is offering ten "YC Group Scholarships" to outstanding students from Dayeh University. The scholarships include NT$250,000 over two years for third-year undergraduates and first-year graduate students, and NT$150,000 for fourth-year undergraduates and second-year graduate students. In addition to internships, students receiving these scholarships will be directly employed by the company upon graduation.
Dayeh University’s Dean of Student Affairs, Luo Shih-hui, noted that the number of students at Dayeh University has grown from over 9,000 to more than 11,000 in the past three years. The university aims to not only develop students' professional skills and character but also to ensure that students can "study at Dayeh, secure good employment, and have a successful career." Therefore, the university is actively engaging in industry-academia collaborations to provide students with opportunities to interact with and understand the industry, thereby enhancing their employability.
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