Announcement of Subsidiary Wangzhou Construction's Disposal of Land in Neihu District, Taipei City
  1. Name and nature of the subject matter (e.g., land located at XX Section, XX Subsection, North District, Taichung City):
    Portion of land at Lot No. 15-3, Subsection 5, Tanmei Section, Neihu District, Taipei City.
  2. Date of occurrence:
    July 7, 2011
  3. Transaction quantity (e.g., XX square meters, equivalent to XX pings), price per unit, and total transaction amount:
  • Transaction quantity: 738.1 pings
  • Unit price: Approximately NT$1.65 million per ping
  • Total transaction amount: NT$1,217,822,000
  1. Counterparty and its relationship with the company (if the counterparty is an individual and not a related party, the name may be omitted):
  • Counterparty: Kinglai Industrial Co., Ltd. (Xingrun Industrial Co., Ltd.)
  • Relationship with the company: Not a related party
  1. If the counterparty is a substantive related party, the reason for selecting the related party, the previous owner of the transferred asset (including the relationship between the company and the counterparty), the transfer price, and the acquisition date must be disclosed:
    Not applicable
  2. If the asset's owner in the past five years was a substantive related party of the company, the acquisition and disposition dates, prices, and the relationship at the time of the transaction must be disclosed:
    Not applicable
  3. Expected profit (or loss) from the disposition (not applicable for asset acquisition):
  • Expected profit from the disposition: Approximately NT$700 million
  1. Delivery or payment terms (including payment periods and amounts), contract restrictions, and other important stipulations:
  • Initial payment (July 7): NT$243,564,400
  • Second payment (by September 30, 2011): NT$304,455,500
  • Third payment (by November 30, 2011): NT$669,802,100
  1. Decision-making process for the transaction (e.g., tender, price comparison, negotiation), price determination reference, and decision-making body:
    Negotiation; decision made by the company's Board of Directors
  2. Name of the professional appraisal firm or company and the appraised amount:
  • Pan-Asia Real Estate Appraisers' Office: NT$1,092,388,000
  • Zhanmao Real Estate Appraisers' Office: NT$1,099,769,000
  1. Name of the real estate appraisers:
  • Pan-Asia Real Estate Appraisers' Office: Zhuang Guangmin
  • Zhanmao Real Estate Appraisers' Office: Zhang Shixian
  1. Appraisers' license number:
  • Pan-Asia Real Estate Appraisers' Office: (95) Taipei City License No. 000088
  • Zhanmao Real Estate Appraisers' Office: (95) Tainan City License No. 000013
  1. Was the appraisal report a restricted, specific, or special price?
  2. Has the appraisal report not yet been obtained?
  3. Reason for not yet obtaining the appraisal report:
    Not applicable
  4. If there is a significant difference between the transaction amount and the appraisal amount, provide the reasons and the opinion of the certifying accountant:
  5. Broker and brokerage fee:
    Not applicable
  6. Purpose or use of the acquisition or disposition:
    To revitalize asset utilization
  7. Opinions of directors who objected to the transaction:
  8. Did any directors object to the transaction?
  9. Other matters to be disclosed:
(Note 1: Important stipulations must include whether any buy-back or contract termination clauses, or other uncertain or special terms, have been agreed upon.)
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